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Connect with SSH through a proxy - Stack Overflow
So, I know the nc has different versions like openbsd-netcat and GNU-netcat, you can change the nc in debian to the openbsd version, but I choose to change the software like corkscrew, because the names of the two versions of nc in system are same, and many people don’t understand it well. My approach is as follows.

Read .nc (netcdf) files using python - Stack Overflow
import netCDF4 file2read = netCDF4.Dataset(cwd+'\','r') var1 = file2read.variables['var1'] # access a variable in the file where cwd is my current working directory for getting the file path for the .nc file in order to read it: import os cwd = os.getcwd() I am using Windows, so file directory will be different than for Mac or Linux.

selenium - How facebook change CDN url onclick on Facebook Page ...
Facebook Page messenger or Chat is different than Facebook general messenger at least how it handles attachments. Unfortunately Facebook doesn't provide any archiving or backup facility for Busines...

Facebook Image URL gets expired - Stack Overflow
I am pulling Facebook posts using facebook-graph API, now the problem is Image gets expired after few days. I have the following URL for a single Image Old Image URL which got expired https://

How to generate Instagram CDN URL for profile picture in 1080X1080 px
I am trying to download the Instagram profile pic in 1080X1080 px. InstaFinsta doing the same thing but I can't figure out how they are generating this Instagram CDN link.

c++ - .c vs .cc vs. .cpp vs .hpp vs .h vs .cxx - Stack Overflow
Historically, the first extensions used for C++ were .c and .h, exactly like for C.This caused practical problems, especially the .c which didn't allow build systems to easily differentiate C++ and C files.

Docker Debian nc command not found - Stack Overflow
while ! nc -z web-db 5432; do sleep 0.1 done rm -rf celery_logs/* echo "PostgreSQL started" python run -h Note : this entrypoint configuration used to work with Alpine , and now has changed to Debian .

linux - What's a .sh file? - Stack Overflow
What is a file with extension .sh? It is a Bourne shell script.They are used in many variations of UNIX-like operating systems.

How to activate an Anaconda environment - Stack Overflow
All the former answers seem to be outdated. conda activate was introduced in conda 4.4 and 4.6.. conda activate: The logic and mechanisms underlying environment activation have been reworked.

bash - Issue with netcat timeout - Stack Overflow
If you are trying to use nc for port scanning, i.e. nc -v -z 1-1023, it will spend over a minute trying to connect to each non-responding port unless you add a -G timeout value: nc -v -z -G 1 1-1023. That's one second per port scanned — much more useful.

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