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Spread axle- pros& cons - Yellow Bullet Forums
Spread axle will scrub the tires much harder. However, they're easier on the tow vehicle, because the axles support the weight over a longer area, which means less porpoising.

Hoosier Slicks What compound for Bracket Racing?
Just curious on a big tire car what compound you guys like the best? Currently running D06 compound....Seems like my never fully hooked last year, and my slicks are done, need a new set.

Trans Fluid for powerglide - Yellow Bullet Forums
Sunset Performance Engines DG Machine Drag Racing Components! EMAIL @ Smith Bros, ATI PROCHARGERS, AFR, Dart, Brodix, CFE & BMF, Profiler, Manley ...

65 Nova “Patina” Small Tire Build | Yellow Bullet Forums
This is our 65 Nova home built small tire Hot Rod. This was a rust bucket we found sitting next to a barn on a farm out in Nebraska. We brought her home and fixed every bit of rust, knocked out all the dents and blended in the paint to match the original patina as we found her.

Main and Rod bearing prep | Yellow Bullet Forums
Tim@Mustang Performance Racing Tim@ MPR Engine Services 561-767-6867 Cell 561-588-0188 Shop ...

WD-40 tire treatment? | Page 2 | Yellow Bullet Forums
interesting being that the majority of jr. dragster racers run MT slicks and most are treating their tires with WD-40 and have been for decades.

WD-40 tire treatment? - Yellow Bullet Forums
not that this is a car, but I race a pro stock tar snowmobile....wire brush and a few cans of WD40 are your friend....every pass, the slick gets cleaned off with the wire brush and a light coat of WD40 gets applied...just by doing this, 60's went from 1.28-9 to 1.24-5 and track life has not seen any bad side efeects over long periods of time

What's a good size winch for car trailer? - Yellow Bullet Forums
Drove to nebraska to pick up a 57 4dr chebbie sunk and sitting on frame, ran winch line out and once i popped it up out of the ruts, not only 4 flat tires, but 4 locked up straight lined pulled it just fine upto and half way up the ramps, at that point with winch cable wrapped up on spool reducing overall gear reduction a bit, had ...

what size winch for an enclosed trailer | Yellow Bullet Forums
The only time I EVER had to use a snatch block on my 2500lb winch to get any vehicle up, I picked up a 57 chevy in Nebraska my grandfather wanted. It was a farm field find, 4 flat tires and car sunk to the frame in the field...and once I got it popped out of the 4 ruts all 4 tires locked up tight too.

polishing pitted aluminum wheels - Yellow Bullet Forums
im trying to polish my billet centerline wheels that are pretty rough, pitted, corroded. the truck sat outside most of last summer so the wheels havent been touched in at least a year and a half. i have the big mothers powerball and mothers billet polish.

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